Amazing Tanzania Safari- An Adventurous Holiday Trip for Lifetime

Africa is a well-known destination for all wildlife and nature loving enthusiasts. Here you can get a chance to explore plentiful wildlife including largest migration of wild animals and birds, mesmerizing scenic beauty of nature, widely spread savannas, deserts, jungles, natural parks, striking waterfalls and much more for your lifetime. Apart from wildlife and natural beauty, this continent is famous for its vivid culture. Among all, national parks like Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara and the wildlife conservation area of the great Nogorongoro Crater offer completely unique as well as the greatest surprises to their visitors.

Lake Manyara safari

If you are dreaming of going on an adventurous safari to Tanzania, but wondering where to start. One of the best destinations to visit in Tanzania is the Ngorongoro Crater. The crater itself is an incredible part of the Serengeti National Park which has staggering amount of wildlife. If you will spend here a day, then you can able to spot all the predators, carnivores of Africa effectively. Besides, you are likely to encounter the black rhinoceros, wildebeests, hartebeest, baboons, monkeys and much more here.

Ngorongoro safari

While enjoying Ngorongoro Crater, don’t miss out a chance to visit lake Manyara Safari. However, this site is famous for the annual migration of wildlife and can offer a great experience to every wildlife lover. As a tourist, you will enjoy so many things that you will cherish throughout your life. EA Holidays offers a chance to see the magnificent scenery and beautiful animals which will give you an amazing feeling. We have wide array of special itineraries to enjoy the trip to East Africa to the fullest. Choose your desirable option that suits you best. Be sure to get plentiful memorable experience that you will never forget. To know more in detail, visit our website today.

A Complete Guide for Serengeti National Park

Tanzania is counted as one of Africa’s most in demand safari destinations. This beautiful country has around a dozen of national parks for a mind-blowing and adventurous safari tour. Serengeti National Park is the oldest and most popular among them, situated at Mara and Simiyu regions. The following blog gives a brief idea of the Serengeti National Park and its amazes.

The Serengeti name comes from local Maasai language which means “Extended Place”. This park was established in 1952. With a total area of 14,750 square kilometers, Serengeti National Park is the home of hundreds of wildlife spectacle of the world. This park is most famous for its wildebeest migration, in which over 2.5 million wildebeests and zebras migrate from Serengeti National Park to the Masai Mara Reserve of Kenya. The Big 5 of Africa can be easily seen at Serengeti National Park. This park is the heavenly home for 30 large harbivores species and 500 colorful species of birds. You can see small rivers, swamps, lakes, woodlands and large savannah grass plains throughout this park. The scenery of this grasslands and woods are just stunning in view. You can also see giraffe, hippopotamus, rhinos, eland, kongoni, Grant’s gazelle, topi and impala at here. Born predators like lions, hyenas, leopards, jackals, wolves, etc. are common to watch in here.

Serengeti National ParkSerengeti National Park

Usually the climate of Serengeti is warm and dry. Only March to May, these three months are rainy months. The park gets crowded June to July and October to April. Take a balloon safari to get the best views of this park. Also don’t forget to look the ancient Maasai rock paintings and musical rocks. This park is also declared as one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Serengeti is live park, filled with beautiful and amazing scenes of Mother Nature. Tanzanian government is giving their 100% to save this unique nature heritage for all of our mankind.

EA Holidays provides attractive safari tour packages for Serengeti and to other destinations of Tanzania and Zanzibar. We have expert tour guides with years of experience for your safari travel. Call us in our Hotline- +255 (0) 763008008 for further information.

Swim with Dolphins in Zanzibar Dolphin Tours

The Zanzibar archipelago of islands is spotted in the Indian Ocean, around 25 km off the shore of Tanzania, East Africa. Zanzibar has an abundance of activities to fulfill even the most demanding explorers from float jumps and kite surfing to dhow nightfall voyage and dolphin tours. We believe that this is one of its key benefits over other Indian Ocean Islands alongside its amicable nature and sensible valuing.


Dolphin safari of Zanzibar offers you the experience of a lifetime, an opportunity to swim with dolphins in their natural habitat. The seashore of the fishing town Kizimkazi is the home of numbers of humpback and bottleneck dolphins. This village is only I hour travel from Stone Town International Airport. The dolphins of this place are officially protected by the 420 km2 Menai Bay Conservation Area, which was set up in 1997 to stop the quick exhaustion of fish stocks. The shallow coastal waters around Kizimkazi are a most loved home base for dolphins that come here for the solid food supply, to attendant their calves, socialize and rest. Many bottle-nose dolphins stay at Kizimkazi lasting through the year. There are additionally rather shyer humpback dolphins that put in an appearance here, in spite of the fact that their calendar is somewhat more flighty.

Dolphin Tours

Dolphin Tours

Dolphin visit is best at a young hour in the morning, in light of the fact that toward the afternoon as the sun climbs up, ocean water has a tendency to wind up warm, therefore dolphins dives down to the ocean floor to escape warm; 5 to 7 am is the best time for this. You can do the trek later toward the afternoon however the probability to see dolphins is little that as well as at this point there may be numerous pontoons at the dolphin locales this terrify the dolphins which is bad for their sustainability. Although swimming with dolphins is an uncommon event, as with other wild creatures spotting dolphins require patience and time as they are not bound in a confine or a zoo, they are in their natural habitat.

To book Dolphin tours and other safari packages for Zanzibar and other East African Countries, contact us at EA Holidays today. We provide experienced tour guides and quality accommodations in our every tour package. So hurry up and call us at +255 (0) 763008008 to book your Zanzibar dolphin tour package.

Fascinating Ways of Exploring a Tanzania Safari Vacation

The United Republic of Tanzania is a country in East Africa which towards the east borders Indian Ocean. Tanzania offers vacationers a lot to enjoy while exploring and indulging in adventure activities. Here vacationers can see or witness wildlife in their natural surrounding or habitat, bask in wonderful beaches and get close to nature.

A fantastic and fascinating Tanzania safari will include all those destinations or activities listed below:

Hunting Safaris:

You will experience a rich traditional African hunting flair with vast hunting grounds where nature is unexplored and unvisited. After getting a taste of hunting the elusive and dangerous big game you will be filled with wonderful as well as exciting memories.

Tanga Beach Resort:

Tanga is an ideal destination for most tourists and families for historical influence which it proudly maintains by perfectly balancing the traditional and modern life. You will find hotels that are fully furnished with all modern and luxurious amenities and ready for accommodating visitors in their deluxe rooms.

Tanga Beach Resort

The luxury Tanga Beach Resort is located adjacent to the Indian Ocean; staying at this convenient hotel gives you easy access to major tourist attractions in Tanga region such as Saadani National Park, Amboni Caves, and Amani Natural Reserve with famous butterflies as well as exotic Indian Ocean that offers unique experience.

Serengeti National Park:

Your Tanzania safari is never completed without visiting this essential destination which is country’s largest and most famous reserve. You will witness most diverse wildlife population over here. If lucky then can witness annual wildebeest migration for which most tourist gets attracted to this fascinating destination.

Serengeti National Park

Tarangire National Park:

This park has flood plains, fine grasslands and comprises with flat topped acacia trees and many other plantations. The wildlife which are mainly found in this park: zebras, giraffe, elephants, lions, etc, you can also spot some rare species of bird, roan antelope, etc.

 Tarangire National Park

E A holidays – Tanzania Charter Flights will help you in smoothly executing your Tanzania safari with an ease. Our flights will conveniently take you across your different destinations providing entertainment and comfort. We are best known for safe, reliable and cost effective air charter service.

Uganda: The Heavenly Country of Africa

Are you a nature lover who loves trekking, safari, adventurous tour and wildlife? Then Uganda is the perfect destination for your journey. Uganda is one of the East African country and very well-known as “The Pearl of Africa”. This country is the home of extraordinary natural surroundings and unseen wildlife.

Best Time to Visit Uganda

As like most tropical countries, this country has only two seasons, dry and rainy season. Although this country is suitable to visit all around the year, but the dry season is most appropriate one to visit this country which is in between June-August and December-February.

Safari Blue Tour

Visa for Uganda

There is absolutely no problem to get a visa for Uganda. You can get it from Uganda’s High Commission or embassy of your residence country or on your arrival at Entebbe International Airport.

What to Do in Uganda?

Uganda is best fit for all types of safari tours. Gorilla trekking is one of the specialties of this country which you only can found in other two East African countries. The Ugandans are extremely friendly and there is no doubt that you will always get a warm welcome on every part of this country. Kampala is the capital city of this country. Visit here to experience boda boda ride, Bahai Temple and museums. Nile River is the longest river of world which flows through Uganda. So don’t forget to enjoy the rafting opportunities. Also turn your journey to the world class beaches near Lake Victoria and take pleasure of the attractive views at there. Uganda is most famous for its savannah safaris. See varieties of wild animals passing through your safari jeeps which surely going to thrill anyone. Also place Lake Bunyonyi and Nyero rocks to your visiting list. Nyero rocks are famous for its prehistoric paintings and Lake Bunyonyi for its beautiful nature view.

This country contains so much for you that it is not possible for me to write all in here. But we can assure you that you will never going to forget your journey to this amazing land and it’s our guarantee to you. EA Holiday provides you safari tour packages for Zanzibar, Pemba Island and other East African countries with all types of accommodations. To book your tour package call us at +255 (0) 763008008 or browse our website.